Recent article by Robert Darnton

Robert Darnton, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the Harvard University Library, describes many of the issues facing libraries – from digital books to the rising price of journals in this article published November 23, 2010 in the New York Review of books.

2 thoughts on “Recent article by Robert Darnton

  1. Brenda

    thanks for posting this Joy. This should be required reading by everyone in LIS. It nicely lays out the problems with journal pricing and the issues with Google Books.

  2. Arabella Holzapfel

    For some “Friday fun” – let’s bring the content of this article home and have a guessing game. We recently renewed the vast majority of our print and online journal subscriptions. Take a guess at what is the most expensive title that the Middlebury College Library subscribes to and how much it costs. You can post your guesses here if you’d like or keep it to yourself. I will post the answer in this thread next Friday.

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