Area 51 notes, Aug. 26, 2010
Present: Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Mike Lynch, Shel Sax, Terry Simpkins and Doreen Bernier
After the recent flooding in Voter East, Mike Lynch asked if we have the resources to make machine room reconfiguration a priority.
ACTION: Bring in consultants to make suggestions on reconfiguring our machine rooms, including price quotes for the work
Mike asked sponsors to be sure documents are posted in preparation for the GoogleApps presentations next week. He also asked for a summary comparing single the 2 feature sets, especially concerning administration, security, privacy and support . These could be done after the presentations happen.
ACTION: assign note-takers for each presentation to summarize the meetings
We discussed the agenda for the upcoming managers’ meeting on Sept. 9. We settle on some combination of:
- Not-to-do-List
- Goal setting
- New employee issues
- Team check-in
- Staff satisfaction survey follow-up
Mike L. raised the question about our responsibilities concerning MIIS infrastructure and the on-going cost of maintenance. According to Mike R., there is an established division of labor and MIIS is responsible for managing their own infrastructure, as stated in the original merger plan. Mike R. suggested that we review the merger documents to better understand our responsibilities.
- Mike L. will request a copy of the merger plan from Dave Donahue and will also talk with Amy McGill for clarification
- Mike R. will discuss MIIS infrastructure costs with Patrick Norton
- Mike R. will get a copy of the IT plan
- M2 program committee should be invited to meet with the ADs to give an update