Finding language CDs in the Music Library

Watch this short video for some tips on finding Music CDs in your language. (Click the Full screen button for a better view):

[middmedia 1E451440FBE524901B13298D7E5202DC jisler finding chinese japanese and russian music_x264_002.mp4]

Don’t see your favorite band or musician in MIDCAT (go/midcat)? Try searching the NExpress catalog (go/nexpress). If you still can’t find what you need, place an online purchase request using our Music Request form (go/musicrequest).

Visit the Language subject guides (go/subsplus), select your language, and go to Tips on the right hand side of the page to find preset searches for foreign language music and videos. (Check out this other video for another approach to finding music CDs in foreign languages.)

Need more help? Ask a Librarian! (go/askus)

5 thoughts on “Finding language CDs in the Music Library

  1. Richard Jenkins

    A good example of how these video tutorials can be effective — Keeping it short is essential! Now the challenge is — Will students (& others) use them? I wonder if there’s a way to at least count hits?

    1. Jess Isler Post author

      Perhaps one of our Middmedia gurus can chime in with an accurate answer on this, but I don’t think there’s a way to count views from Middmedia (is there?)

      For the blog, you can at least see how many times the post is viewed by logging into the dashboard and clicking Site Stats. That might give you some sense of at least how many people clicked to read the post (though not the type of user (students, faculty, staff, other) or whether or not they’ve viewed the video…) I can’t think of any way to capture that specific data (i.e. who is watching this video) that doesn’t involve requiring them to log in… which I suspect defeats the purpose of making it available here, free and open to all.

      Good questions though! Definitely something to keep in mind if/when the technology catches up.

      1. Adam Franco

        You are correct Jess, there is no way to get video view counts from MiddMedia. As far as we can tell, the FlashMediaServer that handles the video streaming does not support logging view information.

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