RSS – Really Special Snacks or Really Simple Syndication?

choc chip cookie
RSS Workshop tomorrow 4/28!
Alex will be presenting a workshop on RSS to the Circ group on Wed 4/28 at 3 pm in Lib 105. Please join us!

Here’s the workshop description:

Definition/Description of RSS
* Really simple syndication
* Standardized format for publishing frequently updated works

Uses of RSS
* News and Updates
* Notification
* Aggregation
* Abstraction

Benefits and advantages
* Standardizes news so it can be reviewed, filtered and reorganized and
* Tracks what new for a given context (blog, personal RSS Reader)

Tools/Services for RSS
* RSS reader applications (desktop vs web)
* RSS widgets and plugins (WordPress plugins)
* Personal News Aggregators (iGoogle, NetVibes…)

Time for Q and A