Segue from Segue Update

The Curricular Technology Team has been focused nearly exclusively on the Segue from Segue project for the last few months.  A Segue from Segue Advisory group consisting of faculty and students has been formed to help the team engage the College community and the LIS Area Directors have also provided input and guidance.

In March, the team ran focus group sessions to find out more about how faculty are currently using technology, what technologies they would like to have and what technologies they feel do not meet their needs.  Focus group topics included “online discussion”, “assignments and assessment” and “websites and media.”

These focus group sessions helped the team draft surveys for both faculty and students.  The faculty survey has already been distributed and will remain active until the end of April.  We will be sending out a student survey sometime next week and will publish a report once all responses are in.

The team is committed to making initial recommendations for alternatives to Segue by the end of the spring semester and final recommendations in late August after gathering information about technology usage by the Language Schools and Breadloaf.  For updates on the project, see: Segue from Segue