User Services Goal: Centralized Student Employment

Goal Statement: Centralize student employment/ management/ training/ scheduling or some subset of that.  Shared training is for tasks already commonly shared across work areas – while cross-training might be an eventual outcome, this is not part of this goal.

Consolidation of repetitive tasks related to student employment.  This provides uniform policies and procedures, and reduces staff hours allocated to these tasks.


  • User services student supervisors work as team to find commonalities in the process
  • Document timelines (numbers needed, when, hiring process, training)
  • Agree upon common payroll policy, scheduling tools, advertising, hiring, & training
  • Identify areas of difference between work groups – and document these as well


  • Stress reduction by providing redundancy & supporting one another
  • Anticipate consolidation of service points
  • Standardize process
  • Resource sharing


Complete – Fall 2010


  • Ongoing: Continuing customer service training
  • February 2010:
    Spring hires – team consulting with one another during job posting, interview, hiring, paperwork process
  • Summer 2010:
    Create a secondary training for overlaps in job descriptions


  1. Who is involved:
    Student supervisors for Library Circulation, branches, reserves, helpdesk, media services.
    Currently – Elin, Todd, Dan, Kellam, Shawn, & Stewart.
  2. Time:
    mostly the same as in the past, but allow for initial organizational meetings, and a bit more time when advertising, interviewing & hiring.  Time required determined by team allocation of tasks to members.  Little if any additional money or materials – depending on team choices.
    Team approach will allow sharing of responsibilities with common resources – avoiding current challenges when staff are not available for these tasks.


  • We have already demonstrated part of this goal with the current shared customer service training.  The rest is an extension of the same concept.
  • Challenges: buy-in of supervisors, finding shared time to work together
  • Opportunity: use of common tools (e.g. scheduling)