Please contribute to our new wiki pages

To help readers find what they need, the LIS Wiki soon will feature audience-specific collections of links to content in the wiki. The LIS Website Team needs help compiling these lists of links. Make your favorite wiki content more visible — log in and contribute!

What LIS wiki content do you want LIS Staff, College Faculty/Staff, Students, or visitors to see?  Please add links to these pages by next week:

We’ll review these audience-specific pages at our meeting on Wed 1/20.  When they’re ready, we’ll revise the LIS wiki opening page so that it directs users to them.  Anyone still will be able to search the wiki, but users who want to browse will have a new option.

If you have feedback or questions, or if you need help with editing the wiki, let us know!  Post a response here in the blog, or write to  Thank you in advance!

One thought on “Please contribute to our new wiki pages

  1. Pingback: LIS Wiki Gets a Facelift « Library & Information Services

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