Dear Colleagues,
Months in the making, our annual report is now available on-line at for your reading pleasure. Thanks to Doreen for all of her hard work in putting this together, to all who contributed their words to this document, and to all for all the hard work that is documented within. It’s an impressive list of accomplishments!
We are already working on compiling next year’s report, with the hope that by writing throughout the year we won’t have to struggle to pull it all together at the end of the year.
— mike
It would be great if you included the reference consultation statistics for which there were 120 last year – these often run from 1/2 hour to an hour, not including any prep time. This is a time-consuming role for librarians and should be reflected along side of the reference and instruction statistics. Also the instruction stats aren’t very accurate. It looks like summer school stats and staff workshops were left out and brief intro’s for FYSE were counted the same as full instruction sessions.