LIS Web Team – Agenda Thurs 10/22

Agenda Thurs 10/22

Notes, moderator, driver, timekeeper?
Announcements etc.
IA discussion continued…
Agenda for Wed 10/28

Possible future agenda items:
All Things LIS blog – template, links display settings, stats, email plug-in, staff buy-in, training, Essentials as the default?
Wiki and blog training for LIS primary contacts?
Workflow for LIS content providers/primary contacts

Upcoming on the Timeline:
November 2009
11/09 Deliverable – LIS staff work flow and content management, protocol procedures in place
11/09 – Web Makeover Check-in with Project Manager
Beta test
11/09 Deliverable: Test in place for LIS staff workflow, content management, protocol procedures & apply to new web presence
December 2009
12/09 Deliverable – Develop LIS staff workflow, content management, protocol procedures & apply to new web presence
12/15 Public beta test – beta launch
12/15 Deadline for adding content to new LIS website

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