Thesis Carrel Monday!

Submitted by Elin Waagen

 Carrel Monday 011

Senior thesis carrel sign-up started today – Monday, September 14. The first senior to be assigned a carrel arrived at the Main Library at 4 am; the 64th person arrived at 7 am for the 7:30 am opening of the library. By 10 am, 130 (out of 202) carrels had been assigned to the early-birds. Maura and Steve organized the event – with Morgan, Joanne, Rich, and Cassidy providing on-site support – ensuring another successful and orderly Carrel Monday – many thanks! I dream of the day that this process can be automated – much in the same way that we reserve our own airline seats :-)
Thesis carrels at the Main Library can be reserved by seniors who are enrolled in a 500-, 600-, or 700-level thesis or independent project – and thesis carrels are first-come, first-served.