LIS Website Team – Recommendations

Submitted by Elin Waagen

The web team met recently with the LIS Area Directors and our team sponsor, Jeff Rehbach to present our recommendations for the new LIS web presence.
The recommendations incorporated many hours of research and discussion by team members – in meetings and on the team blog and wiki. The recommendations were informed by user patterns, surveys and statistics, feedback from our LIS colleagues and the recommendations from White Whale. We received the enthusiastic support of the AD’s to move ahead with our recommendations. Thank you Jeff and the AD’s! :-)
The recommendations document can be found here.
In addition, the team has identified primary contacts for the major content areas of the LIS web site and we are currently working with primary contacts to develop the major content areas of the LIS website. Please feel free to be in touch with your primary contact for more information relating to your specific area of the website. LIS primary contact information can be found here.
Many thanks to you all for your valuable input into the recommendations.
Stay tuned for exciting new developments!
We welcome your comments and ideas.
Ian, Barbara, Jim, Liz, Doreen, Jess, Carrie and Elin
The LIS Website Team