The person who some day invents a completely reliable high volume printer will make a fortune. Until then, we all know that printers sometimes break down and go off line. Communicating printer status to our users has been a challenge and we hope this recently installed “printer status board” will help. The Helpdesk will simply change out the green dots for red ones when a printer goes off line. The sign is in a high profile location in the Atrium of the Main Library and we expect that our users will grow accustomed to noticing it. Joseph Watson came up with the brainstorm and was able to use spare signs and left over scraps to put it together, so it cost nothing to implement. A similar sign will be installed at the Armstrong Library soon.
Any chance we can get this online as well?
Dan, yes, there’s a chance, eventually. It’s been discussed repeatedly but the IT folks lack the time to turn their attention to it right now, so we’ve taken the no-cost, little time investment, low tech approach for now.