Submitted by Mary Backus
LIS Administration is continuing to evaluate what services we should stop as we move ahead with reduced staffing, and we have reached the decision that we can no longer offer a staffed Information Desk in the Library throughout the year. We will want to offer a human presence for the first week of each semester, and will look forward to providing more information tools at the desk for users of the library, but as of Friday, September 11th, there will no longer be staff scheduled at the Information Desk. Doreen Bernier will become the primary person to assist with room reservations in the library, and to answer ext. 2200 when Circulation Services cannot. We will continue to put a high value on providing a welcoming library with services that are easily found, but will look for ways to serve our visitors without having a staff person sitting at that desk.
How our interiors change! Who would have guessed 10 years ago as we talked about the Information Age that a college library would eliminate its Information Desk?
And just as you are responding to the changing patterns of your customers, we, too, are discussing a new use for our reference room. We don’t know what it will be but it will be different!
Change! Yes, we can. :-) Reference service will be provided via other channels. Tech help at the helpdesk. Circulation services at the circ desk. As we distribute these services, you can think of the cloud computing analogy. Put antoher way, we are just getting rid of the desk, not the information.