Answers from Joe (paraphrased)

1. Can we have a folder in middfiles for documents related to the LIS web redo?

Sure. Just create a new folder in the Web Redo Project Managers area for LIS.

2. When will the next round(s) of Drupal training be offered?

A second round of test training will be offered to the Project Managers group starting the week of 9/21. LIS Website Team members may request to attend as may the LIS Project Managers, though it would be a good idea to ensure that any who do attend are caught up on the current process, workbook, etc. Also, all involved should understand that they probably won’t be able to immediately go back and edit their site in Drupal after these sessions. There will be training work shops and sessions offered later in October for content editors at which point people should be doing content editing in the Drupal CMS.

3.  Can we schedule a meeting with White Whale during their visit?

Probably. Joe is, at the (not so) very least going to schedule a meeting with Tonya, who is responsible for the IA & Content Recommendations documents. I have a feeling that most of our questions will involve her. Joe will try to have the others from White Whale present for this meeting, if schedules allow. We should have a list of questions we want to ask going into the meeting. They will be on campus the week of 9/14.

4 thoughts on “Answers from Joe (paraphrased)

  1. Jess Isler

    Can we create folders for our primary contacts to access within the Web Makeover folder, or should we do that elsewhere (somewhere where permissions are not needed)?

  2. Ian McBride

    My understanding from Joe is that you should be able to (and should feel free to) create whatever space you need in there for your work. If you’re running into issues, let him know.

  3. Jess Isler

    Thanks, I am asking him to open up access to the folder so my primary contacts can use it (they’re getting an access denied error).

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