Alex recapped his AD meeting report.
Ian was the guest at the meeting. RE: LIS Web Team and the curricular resources presence on the LIS website.
- part 1: what key terms do we want to turn up which results?
- part 2: develop the resources that you land on after the search.
- Us: figure out landing pages, presentation. Develop a process.
- Ian: Will assist with interoperability of systems.
- Ian will find out how the team can have access to Google analytics so we can determine which of our current web resources is most used.
- Brian will send out to team the project manager workbook and url inventory sheet.
In tackling this, we should think about:
- How to target our audiences (faculty, students, staff) (i.e. as a single group, as separate groups, as overlapping groups…)
- How to determine definitive sources of documentation
- How to contextualize documentation so it is where people need it and is surrounding by related content
- How to distinguish “how to” documentation from “what can I do” documentation
Essentially we’ll need to get an inventory of all the CT related content we have and review it. Ultimately, what the LIS website team needs is the specifications for a CT “landing page” which would be appear for searches of “curricular technology” (and presumably synonyms such as “educational” and “academic” technology) as well as appearing on the customized search results page for searches of “LIS”
Great work Ian!
Discussed the survey questions.
Newly added:
- Opening paragraph
- Are you Humanities, Languages , etc. (Divs)
- Whom do you want to access/participate your course site?
We’ll finish this in next meeting.