Agenda for 8/6

Agenda for 8/6 (feel free to edit as needed)
LIB 221
Carrie and Elin away the next 3 meetings

Meeting notes: Jim
Time Keeper?
Moderator: Barbara

Any announcements, etc? (5 min)

Review Outline for AD Team Update (10 min) – Ian

What’s next with Primary Contacts? (20 min)

Wrap-up, agenda for next meeting etc. (10 min)

Upcoming timeline items:
8/3 – Web Makeover Meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager
8/5 – Complete gathering MOST input (more will trickle in throughout process).
8/10 – Web Makeover Follow-up meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager – discuss and respond to WW recommendations for IA/Content
Week of 8/17 – Web Makeover – check in – roles and timelines are due
8/17 – Present roles and timelines for LIS at web project managers meeting
8/20 – Proposed recommendations presented to sponsor

Future topics:
Continue brainstorming recommendation
Primary contacts for content
Building coalition
Evaluate information architecture and corresponding list of LIS website contacts for current LIS site
Review permissions list and make recommendations for content providers

Recommendation/proposal for AD’s
Action plan to achieve key deliverables
Analyze survey results and usage data
Finalize measurements/metrics – what does success look like; what metric will define our success?