How many faculty use course folders to create course sites?

Joy Pile asks:

Do we know how many faculty don’t use a course platform and just create websites which reside on the community server? And should we include that option on the list of possibilities?

We do have some stats on the number of course sites created in course folders on the classes server, generated from the course websites updater script that populates the course websites listing see:

I would say on average, about 5-10% of course sites are composed of html files stored on the classes server.  Some of the faculty who continue to use course folders include:
John Isham (Economics, Environmental Studies, First Year Seminar Program)
Michael Olinick (Mathematics)
Holly Allen (American Civilization & Literature, American Studies, First Year Seminar)
Kareem Khalifa (Philosophy)
Frank Swenton (Mathematics)
James Berg (English and American Literature, First Year Seminar)
Don Mitchell (English)
David Horlacher (Economics)

For more information, see:
Curricular Technologies
» Usage Analysis » Segue » Courses

Should we include tools like Dreamweaver in our course websites for Fall ’09 document?

One thought on “How many faculty use course folders to create course sites?

  1. Alex Chapin

    I do think we need to add it to our “course websites for Fall ‘09” document if only to show due diligence in our analysis (like we have with ERES/Dokutek).

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