Update from Database Applications & Systems

Submitted by Chris Norris

Here are some of the projects and tasks that DAS staff members have been working on during the past month…

Mike Schuster
– Ran the SYPAEMH process in production to apply Emergency holds for 394 students
– Modified off campus study, field of study database triggers and package to correctly build the first away term for students with multiple curriculum
– Modified SYPCSCC process for applying class codes to prevent it from including winter credits when calculating current credits and also to only copy specific attributes to future terms
– Worked with Jai Shankar to modify the TSRCBIL FormFusion template to print ‘Do Not Remit’ in a few places on student bills when their total is 0 or a negative amount
– Rewrote the LS Apps by Prior College report
– Diagnosed and fixed a problem where custom database procedures were sending email with a timestamp off by 5 hours.
– Modifications to LS & BLSE Financial Aid online web applications
– Expanded the answer box for the college currently attending question on the LS and BLSE Financial Aid applications
– Added error handling in save supplement procedure to check for nonnumeric characters entered as answers to questions looking for numeric answers
– Added text to top of ls_application and blse_application to tell applicant not to use the enter button.  Changed text for “Save” buttons to “Submit” buttons
– Added text to explanations/special circumstances instructions: “Please limit to 300 characters.”
– Added error handling in save_application procedure to alert user if they didn’t enter a ‘.’ or ‘@’ in their email address
– Created a spec for the MIIS web application.
– Modified Faculty Advisee list SSB form to allow users to email all advisees or selected advisees
– Online Room Draw 2009 modifications
– Several modifications to room draw space maintenance SSB form for residential systems coordinator
– Several modifications to room draw SSB forms for student submitted applications
– Planning conversations with Jeff Rehbach, MBS Books, and Bob Jansen about creating a process to upload course information to the Online Bookstore vendor and modifying the course listing pages to include links to the bookstore software

Rob Pekor
– Put final touches on the Phone-a-thon data interface for College Advancement
– Added keyword descriptor to output filename of the segment data produced
– Enhanced and modified Oracle procedures behind a Hyperion Mailing  report
– Corrected issues with the Volunteer web application (Agents-in-Action) for Annual Giving, problems centered around the field length of the home phone number
– Assisted in fixing problem with online donor roll.
– Created multiple data files for various populations (segments) specified by Annual Giving.
– Analyzing and starting to build specifications for the data feed for the Harris online community project
– Put final touches on the Banner/List-Manager (Broadcast Email tool) integration model with Travis
– This required new function to delineate language school and Bread Load of staff, faculty and students
– Set up volunteer data/assignments for Annual Giving
– Enhanced the Agents-In-Action application to allow input of new ask amounts and assignments
– Created new Oracle package/procedures to allow sending files via FTP from database procedures

Travis Stafford
– Banner/List-Manager Integration project
– Defined types and sub-types
– Defined admin model
– Web Forms
– Supported existing Web Forms
– Ongoing migration of new requests to WPcformsII for BLSE, ACE, RCFIA, HR
– Resolved numerous HEAT tickets and provided support for end-users of online services

Liz Whitaker-Freitas
– Hyperion System 9 Upgrade/Migration
– Resolved several post-migration issues
– Responded to unplanned services outages
– Worked with LIS Staff to develop lab images for new HS9 plugin
– Assisted functional/technical leads with publishing, scheduling and provisioning in new environment
– Researched and resolved connectivity issues with existing queries
– Resolved Oracle Client install issues
– Researched causes of failed jobs
– Tested and deployed Patch/SP
– Cleaned up some custom Roles/Groups
– Worked with Velaris on plan for log archiving
– Resolved report issues (Admissions Data Processing Reports, College Advancement Mailing Reports)
– Other Hyperion
– Trained Tech Lead on how to use derived queries and dashboards
– Trained LS on how to publish and maintain ad-hoc reports
– Processed Hyperion security requests
– Resolved Hyperion HEAT tickets
– Prepared list of services currently being performed by Velaris or Midd staff with recommendations for ongoing support
– Ongoing work for the Lockdown project to change reports using saturn or saturn_midd embedded credentials
– FileMakerPro
– Changed views for Athletics FMP application, troubleshooting issues, change nightly schedules to import view data

Ian McBride (was on CTO for a significant portion of this time)
– Participated in the Web Makeover team meetings and work on the Web Redo project
– Installed a test instance of Drupal CMS for this project
– Finalized the soon-to-be-live new News site for Communications
– Moved all non-CMS web applications off the primary CMS server
– Ongoing work to build out site templates for the New England Review in WordPress
– Developed a web service for system monitoring and backup contacts
– Continued work on a web service API for MiddTube

Chris Norris
– Monitoring and Troubleshooting for Online Services
– Identified and resolved Hyperion issues related to SP1 update
– Researched issue related to Banner INB and IE crashes
– Resolved TouchNet Payment Gateway outages and related issues
– Identified and resolved issues related to recent www –> web forms/services migration
– Monitored Online Course Registration (10 days) and resolved related web issues
– Training and Support for End-Users of Online Services
– Conducted a ListManager-Basics workshop for College Advancement staff
– Conducted a ListManager-Advanced workshop for heavy-use broadcast emailers
– Provided ongoing support for CMS editing, resolved HEAT tickets, answered support calls
– Project Specs / Work Definitions
– Refined Banner List Manager Integration project spec with Travis and Rob
– Helped initiate development of Harris Online Community project spec for Communications
– Completed DAS workgroup SWOT analysis for LIS restructuring efforts
– Revised DAS workgroup goals and objectives for upcoming year
– Ongoing Maintenance & Support
– Processed new GO requests
– Updated Middlebury’s United Way web presence
– Coordinated changes to Monterey’s Online Giving Form
– Reviewed Project Phoenix BIA reports, ongoing planning and specification for remote DR web presence
– Tuned GSA Search to improve keyword matching in search results
– New Projects & Tasks
– Configured SubmissionManager web application for Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference
– Participated in the Web Makeover team meetings and worked on related assigned tasks
– Worked with Advancement and Communications on microphilanthropy test for Organic Garden
– Worked with LIS Budget Administrator to help identify areas for cost reductions
– Worked with LIS Licensing to clarify Hyperion software licensing details
– Worked with LIS Policy Advisor to clarify PCI-compliance status
– Worked with Dean of the College and Directory of Public Safety on new Emergency web site specification
– Vendor Related Activities
– Participated in Sun-Guard/SCT Banner DBA weekly status calls
– Participated in Velaris Hyperion SysAdmin weekly status calls
– Initiated contract re-negotiation with Hyperion SysAdmin vendor (Velaris)
– Transitioned DavisUWCScholars.org and DavisProjectsforPeace.org site management duties to external vendor