Online Video

Submitted by Patty Hornbeck

LIS graduate interns Brendans Owen & Smith have started work on a portal for the lecture archive as well as enhancements to the search function in CONTENTdm which will allow browsing by subject and lecturer name.

ASP The Library’s subscription to Theatre in Video, a database of plays in streaming video from Alexander Street Press, was a pleasant surprise to students in Cheryl Faraone’s Theatre History class who are using it to view online several of the Greek dramas required for the course.

The first lecture of the 2008-09 Faculty Lecture Series was given on September 18 by David Stoll, Department of Sociology and Anthropology. That lecture, as well as an Athletics Department presentation by Dan Doyle, the founder of the Institute for International Sport, has been added to the lecture archive. If you have a chance, look at the multimedia presentation that precedes Professor Stoll’s lecture. As Media Services refine use of the Accordent video system you’ll see more of this.

The Internet Movie Database, a popular and comprehensive online database of global film information, is now offering free viewing of an advertised 6,000 feature films and television shows. Here’s a review of the service by Jason Kinkaid at

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