Circulation Services: Reserves, Apples, Shifting Shelves, and Welcome Back Karin

Submitted by Elin Waagen

Electronic Reserves

Thanks to the effort of three cataloguers, Sue Driscoll, Marlena Evans, and Kristen Geoghegan, the mountain of ERes documents added at the beginning of the semester was accomplished with great speed. The workflow in Reserves was still hectic, but much more manageable. Thanks also to Michael Warner for initiating the collaboration!

Apples and Study Carrels for Seniors

* The first student arrived at the Main Library at 5:25 am
* 67 students were waiting outside when the door opened at 7:30 am
* A crate of apples helped ease the pain of the long wait
* 83 carrels were assigned by 8:33 am
* All but 40 carrels (out of 202) were assigned by late morning

Thanks to Maura and Steve for ensuring a smooth event and to the staff and student staff who came to work early to help process carrel requests.

Welcome back to Karin Gottshall!

Karin has re-joined Circulation Services as an on-call staff member, filling in for staff at Circulation and Reserves when and where needed.

Shelf Shift at Main

A major redistribution of books on the upper level is underway by Rich Church and his team of student workers. There may be some intermittent noise – we will try to minimize this as much as possible. Please let us know if you encounter complaints. Please alert users to possible location changes when referring them to shelves on the upper level.