Wireless Access Locations Update

The Campus Map application has been updated with all of the new wireless access points added over the last several months. This is a long overdue update on my part, but I’m happy to say that I’m now receiving a list of spots to add as they’re added from Petar Mitrevski, a Computing Specialist with the Helpdesk staff. The excellent work done by Facilities Services and Systems and Network Infrastructure to get these new wireless locations up and running should also not escape notice. Here’s a list of the additions:

  • Allen Hall
  • Atwater Residence Halls
  • Battell Hall
  • 26 Blinn Lane
  • Cousteau
  • Chellis House
  • 242 College Street
  • DKE Alumni House
  • Earhart
  • Forest Hall
  • Hadley House/Barn
  • Hepburn Hall
  • Johnson Memorial Building
  • McKinley House
  • Mead Memorial Chapel
  • Nelson Recreation Center
  • Norgay
  • Pearsons Hall
  • Peary
  • Ride
  • Service Building
  • 107 Shannon Street
  • 56 South Street
  • Stewart Hall
  • Wright Memorial Theater