
  to put off or defer (an action) until a later time; delay

Ah, a familiar term. We’re all well conditioned when it comes to procrastination. Is it a millennial thing? Is it a Middlebury thing? Probably not, but we have definitely found many creative ways to procrastinate. And springtime doesn’t help matters either. With this newfound sunshine, a phenomenon we really haven’t seen for months, being outside AWAY from homework is exactly where we want to be. And a weekend full of sunshine is the ultimate procrastination tool. So if you’re like me, and are just realizing the boatload of work you have to do and feel slightly nauseous as a result, never fear. Procrastinate more! Even as you look longingly at the window at from your carrel in the library there are plenty more options to defer from your studies. For example, the iphone and blackberry provide many facets of entertainment( see apps for more details).There’s also unlimited options when you have your laptop open in front of you. Wikipedia? Google? Youtube? Even catching up on TV shows online; the world of daydreaming is at your fingertips. Let’s not forget about Zuckerburg’s procrastination destination, oops I mean social networking site,Facebook. Endless browsing of pictures, mini feeds and of course facebook chat provide hours of entertainment. And yes, I mean hours. Think of how much more work we would get done if Facebook didn’t exist? But then life would be boring, and you couldn’t creep on pictures of people you may or may not know. Regardless which method you choose to put off your real life, its pretty much inevitable.


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