Professor Povitz's Courses

I took History of Radicalism with Professor Povitz and it was one of the best classes I took throughout all my time at Middlebury. Through a thoughtfully constructed syllabus, Professor Povitz offered us a wide variety of engaging and meaningful texts, asked discussion-provoking questions, and enabled students to examine radicalism and activist movements in the US and our personal relationships to them. Professor Povitz has incredibly high expectations of her students and supported us all in reaching them with detailed and meaningful feedback (verbal and written). She found the perfect balance between pushing us as scholars and recognizing and holding space for us as humans in the middle of an incredibly stressful global pandemic. Professor Povitz exemplifies the best type of professor Middlebury can offer: one who pushes her students, knows the class material inside and out, holds space for students and their lives outside the classroom, and enables students to connect broader themes with their own lives. Other Middlebury students deserve to get to know and learn from Professor Povitz, and I truly hope that the College will reconsider her tenure decision.

Kendal Pittman 21.5


I have never personally had a class with Professor Povitz but I have seen the ways she has deeply impacted my friends and peers and she is an essential part of this community. 

Phoebe Brown 22.5

Professor Povitz's Courses

Professor Povitz taught my History of Sexuality class last Spring and it was one of my favorite courses I’ve taken during all my time at Middlebury. First and foremost, I always felt supported by her. She is incredible at emphasizing that mental health is paramount and that she is a resource for students to come to if needed. Secondly, Professor Povitz was great at creating a space within our academic classroom where people felt comfortable engaging and sharing their experiences. I had amazing conversations/discussions in that class and one of the main reasons is because of the supportive environment she helped to foster. Lastly, I learned so much! Her lectures were very insightful and you could see her passion shine through. Losing Professor Povitz would be a huge loss to Middlebury and the diverse, inclusive, vibrant community that we strive to uphold. 

Anna Saviano 2022.5

History Department and Advising

In the short time that I’ve known her, Professor Povitz has already proven to be one of the most engaging, genuine, and intelligent Professors on this campus. She cares deeply about her work, which makes learning from her so much more fulfilling and valuable. She teaches history in a way that inspires students to look carefully at the past and present in order to shape a future. She is truly invaluable to the History department and the college as a whole. We must keep Professor Povitz.

Sade Awodesu CO 2025