Snap Z

Using the Snap Z program to capture footage in Simple Men was a lengthy process. I had never used Snap Z before, and did not realize there was neccesarry information to know before capturing. For instance, never place anything over the Snap Z area while the footage is rolling. I didn’t know this, and only after I finished did I realize that I recorded half Simple Men and half of me checking my email for twenty minutes. Also, make sure you click on the audio box. When veiwing the recording that included me checking my email, I realized there was no sound, eventhough sound was present as Snap Z captured. So, no biggie right? One foul up, no sweat, lets just do it again. Starting from scratch, we fixed our first two mistakes, and continued capturing the footage needed to renarrate. Finally getting the proper audio and visual scenes, we began to render the footage into FInal Cut Pro. I must say, this is the closest I have ever come to strangling a computer. Since we did not alter the number of frames per second(?) in our footage, it took forever to render some scenes. We found that trying to render both the audio and the visual at the same time was inefficient. What if either the audio or the visual somehow got screwed up? So, we decided to render the audio first because we could save different voice over clips, and generally it took a shorter time to complete. Following the audio, we rendered the visuals that we wanted in our narration. Trying to render long clips was a joke. I am completely serious when I say that a box popped up one time to provide an estimated time for our visual rendering, and it said 44 hours… Yea, I better get an A. However, once we completed rendering all our information, we ran into a third and final problem, probably the most limiting. Anytime we added on to a scene, or cut and moved clips to present a different story, we had to re- render the already rendered clips. This became tiresome, and in some ways limited the creativity of our group. We told the story the way we wanted, but maybe if we weren’t waiting for so long other ideas might have developed. Not only does waiting for clips to render take a long time, but it limits the amount of times a group rewatches their narration. Other than that, I had a great time working on this project. It was interesting coming up with a new fabula from the footage of another film. In many ways it reminded me of the article we read on Annie Hall, which describes Woody Allen’s editing process.   

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