Letters of Recommendation

When requesting a letter of recommendation, please email me the following information at least 3 weeks before the application deadline to help me write a more tailored letter.

  • Transcript
  • CV/resume
  • Type of position (job, grad school, REU, etc.) and area (math, applied math, CS, etc.)
  • Either a rough draft of your personal statement or a paragraph explaining why you are applying to this program.
  • Why have you asked me to write this letter? What kind of detailed information about you am I uniquely positioned to provide to the program? Where might I have observed these details (class XX, research experience YY, etc.)

It’s often difficult for me to keep track of all the deadlines for the programs (and the deadline for submission isn’t often included in the automatically-generated email from the program), so please create a Google sheet that contains a list of positions/schools, the name of the job/program, and their application deadlines. You can use this one as a template if you wish.