Archive for the DMT Skills Applied For Personal Growth category

DMT Skills Applied

Standard post by Muhammad Ahmadi on June 5, 2015
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Working as a DMT, I managed to excel in many MultiMedia areas. I have been using such skills in my every day academics, activities and future career prospects.


As an enthusiast of Creative Writing student, I have been uploading some of my writings to share my stories developed in classes. For example:


  1. Kabul Media Connection (KMC) to empower Afghan youth and women through media. I managed to use my skills for better fundraising purposes for my projects in Afghanistan through my middstart page event.
  2. Founder of Afghanistan College Confidential (Facebook group) to promote online information regarding educational scholarships available to Afghan high school, BA, MA and PhD degrees. This way Afghanistan will have a more reliable future assests, highly educated Afghan leaders of tomorrow.
  3. Midd-Afghan Fly Kite Club to bring Afghan traditions and hobbies to Middlebury Campus.
  4. Middlebury College Aviation Club to enable the new almost established club enabling Middlebury students to learn how to fly planes and get their flying licenses.