7 May 2009: Lecture 23, The End of International Political Economy.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-5-7Thu-EndofIPE.mp3]
7 May 2009: Lecture 23, The End of International Political Economy.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-5-7Thu-EndofIPE.mp3]
5 May 2009: Lecture 22, Globalization.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-5-5Tue-Globalization.mp3]
30 April 2009: Lecture 21, The IPE of the Global Environment.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-30Thu-Environ.mp3]
23 April 2009: Lecture 20, Connections between Production & Capital.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-23Thu-Production%26Capital.mp3]
21 April 2009: Lecture 19, Connecting Trade & Money.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-21Tue-ConnectingTrade%26Money.mp3]
16 April 2009: Lecture 18. The IPE of Migration.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-16ThuMigration.mp3]
14 April 2009: Lecture 17. This lecture wraps up our coverage of the international monetary system.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-14TueEndofMoney.mp3]
9 April 2009: Lecture 16 on the Bretton Woods System. This lecture covers the Anglo-American negotiations to create the postwar monetary system and the brief history of that system through August 1971.
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-9Thu-BrettonWoods.mp3]
The following is the audio for Lecture 15: the Interwar Monetary System. (7 April 2009)
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-7Tue-InterwarMonetarySystem.mp3]
The following is the audio for Lec 14: The Gold Standard. (2 April 2009)
[middmedia jamorris jamorris IPES09-4-2Thu-GoldStandard.mp3]