Daily Archives: February 9, 2010


When they first put me in an incubator after birth, I was surrounded by electronics of all sorts monitoring my breathing and heart rate just to make sure that I would be a normal baby.  This is something that no one 100 years ago had the benefit of after taking their first breath in the real world.

From the very start, I loved anything that was mobile and electronic.  My first Gameboy came around the age of 9 for Christmas.  I remember getting the Starwars game with it.  While driving around on the black and white screen, I could not believe that I was able to take the equivalent of a movie on the road with me for road trips.  Pokémon eventually came around and hit with a craze.  Not only were we all playing on our Gameboys and trading characters through that, we also were trading the cards during recess.  The movies then followed and still had all of us sucked in in 2nd grade until about 4th.

When I was 11, my parents got me a CD player.  I bought the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears new albums down in Bestbuy and became enticed by the portableness of my music as well.

Around 12, the digital camera came.  I had used my moms 35mm Nikon for about a year just going outside and taking pictures mainly because I liked winding the crank after every picture to pull a new frame into place.  The digital camera offered me the ability to not only take pictures but also to manipulate them and delete if I didn’t like them.  This is where I started to get picky about which pictures I kept.  The blurry ones would instantly go out the window and the ones that just weren’t good did as well to make space on the 64 or so megabyte chip that I had.

The internet started to become something fun to explore as well around this time.  I was able to play little games online and to check out all the stats of my favorite players on sportsillustratedkids.com.

I have a younger cousin that since I can remember has always gotten such a laugh out of my brothers and I acting like the three stooges.  We would “fall down the stairs”, cough, burp, sneeze, and walk into glass doors until he couldn’t take it anymore.  Every time we were at my aunts house he would ask so one day I decided that my 3 younger brothers and I were going to make a movie of us doing these sort of things so that he could watch it even when we weren’t there.  Little did I know that this would spark my creative side and pull me down a road that I am now interested in turning into a career.  I took the family handy cam and we made a movie of it that I cut in iMovie.  A year later, we again made a sequel which was bigger and better.

My parents then invested in a laptop for me which was a big deal in 8th grade.  Eventually starting to feel the limitations of iMovie with other GI Joe and remote control car movies, I upgraded to Final Cut Express.  It was a whole new world that I did not understand.  I wanted to revert back to iMovie but had already bought it so I felt the need to learn it.  History follows in the film part of my life.

The Sony PSP was the next item of technological importance that I got and started to use.  Never having owned an actually video gaming platform other then a Gameboy, I was amazed at the fact that my parents didn’t catch on that it was a portable Playstation.

A cell phone came in 9th grade and I was instantly able to be connected into the spiderweb that so many kids in my grade were already a part of.  Texting became something that was easy and fun.  It was a whole new world.  You could all of a sudden talk without speaking.

A 5.0 megapixel digital camera was the next step that I took with my digital photography.  I was able to zoom in on things on the computer and look at images a lot closer.

Myspace became a must have for everyone that had a social life so I joined and customized my background and the quizzes that I decided to share with everyone.  People checked them incessantly and became obsessed.  It was all of a sudden a lot more classy to have a Facebook so I indulged and deleted the myspace.

One AVCHD video camera with a 60gb hard drive and a few more canon cameras brought me up to where I am now with a Canon 7D that shoots HD footage in 1080p at both 30 and 24 frames per second.  Shooting 18.0 megapixel photographs, it is nearly 7 times more detailed then the original Nikon Coolpix camera I originally had.  I now DJ usng my computer and an array of hardware interface that do not function with out a computer.  Out with the hardware, in with the software.  Everything has changed.