This is a link to my godfather’s blog, one on the few blogs I ever consult. I am sorry if I chose a french blog (the writting content is also interesting) but I decided to comment on it because I am interested in the fact that his blog gives a good idea of who he is. His blog is articulated around his main interests that are: cinema, music, literature (especially science fiction) and drawings. He included links to animation videos (that I highly recommend you to watch if you’ve got time) or to interviews of french artists that he particularly likes. Also, he added some muscial content in some of his posts that illustrates quite well his musical tastes.On the right hand sidebar, you can play the deezer player and you’ll hear one of his playlists. His artistic influences are numerous but he’s fascinated art movements from the 20th century (DADA, surrealism, psychedelic era, science fiction etc…). The pure informatic form of the blog is quite classical(the choice of not making a more interactive blog is due to his tremendous lack of skill with computers), so we get a sense of his interior world by strictly exploring the content of the posts. This fits with Meyrowits’ idea of” medium as conduit” but, his art is different. Form plays the main part in his drawings and meaning is conveyed thanks to it. The pictures displayed for the blog’s theme show that he is interested in early-mid 20th century that is his favourite cinema period. You might think that the overall tone of his blog is quite disturbing(his drawings especially) and dark and this is true. He likes dark humour, pessimistic science fiction books, and uncommon art works that break codes in form or content.
I hope you’ll enjoy the visit and if you know someone that could be interested by his works, please tell me. Trying to make a living of your art is tough…