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This website is a collection of remote sensing analyses regarding tree cover around the Gishwati Forest National Park in western Rwanda. Using imagery from the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2a satellite missions, these entries assess a number the different methods with which tree cover mapping can be done using Google Earth Engine.

These analyses and this website were created as part of Geography 0351 – Remote Sensing & Land Use, an undergraduate course taught at Middlebury College in Fall 2020 by Dr. Niwaeli Kimambo. The analyses documented here would not have been possible without the support of the other students enrolled in GEOG0351. This website and entries have been compiled by Jacob Freedman, and feel free to reach out with any questions at

Our study region, located around Gishwati National Park in western Rwanda. Many of our analyses were completed using a 100 x 100 km square around the study region, illustrating the diverse land cover features across the region.