NFL lockout month 1

One month into the greatest recent travesty to organized professional sports and both sides refuse to budge on the major issues.  A month ago the NFL players union dissolved and anti trust lawsuits were filed against the league.  Individual players were also encouraged to act on their own accord and take action against the league.  It is interesting that the players felt that they would have more power independently than as a Union.  Still, this is the course of action the players took and the owner’s issued a lockout in response.  As I have preached numerous times before the gravest tragedy with this situation is that the role players, the players and the owners, are not the only ones who are affected by the decisions.  There are thousands of others who are employed by the league and billions of dollars that are being removed from circulation, not to mention the fans that keep the league in business.

The issue has now been brought before a Minnesota judge and the fate of the NFL rests in the decision of the court.  The owners are upset about the dissolving of the union.  They want to talk to the players, not to lawyers.  The NFL’s owners are having difficulty determining who to speak with.  The Judge, Judge Nelson, has the ability to rule against the lawsuit in favor of the players.  If this decision is reached the NFL will be reinstated immediately and there will be games in the fall.  This is an option, but in my mind not the best option.  This decision would cause an even greater rift between the players and the owners.  This could cause many long-term problems.  Instead, there needs to be cooperation and a new CBA that can last into the future.

Judge Nelson recommended talks resume between the two parties, but this was only a recommendation.  After the Judge’s ruling in two weeks there will most likely be an appeal by the losing party.  This appeal process would take a few months and ensure that football would not start on time.  One of the biggest problems the Judge faces is choosing an unbiased third party to mediate the talks.  Everyone seems to have an opinion and a stake in the outcome of the case.

Lastly many players, specifically Derrick Mason of the Baltimore Ravens, are upset with Roger Goodell and the administration of the league.  The League is stressing the relevance of rule changes and drug testing.  The players on the other hand are far more concerned with having jobs come fall.  I understand both sides on issues like this.  The two sides are negotiating and trying to come up with an agreement, but for a player who is concerned with playing football and making a salary, semantics regarding rule changes are not at the top of their agenda.  These differing priorities are contributing to the troubles the two sides are having in their negotiations.


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