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Laurie and Harper at the Transnational ‘Anti-Gender’ Movements and Resistance Conference in London!

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Anti-Gender Movement

A global movement against gender “ideology” and other forms of human existence that transgress traditional, normative views of gender and sex (such as drag queens and Gender Studies departments).


A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (from Merriam-Webster dictionary)


A social and political movement(s) that stands for gender equality and fights systems which harm people on the basis of gender and other interlocking axes of oppression (race, ethnicity, class, etc.).


A socially constructed reality that is fluid and evolving – according to Judith Butler, gender is performative within this constructed reality.

Gender Ideology

A term taken on by the global right to indicate a societal threat by queer conceptions of the body (that gender is not innate and binary). This “ideology” is often seen as a “conspiracy” by the left to disrupt traditional values, such as the family unit.

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