Jazzercise Dance Mixx classes begin Tuesday, September 29

Jazzercise Dance Mixx class with Amy Collier

September 29 – November 12, 2015 (no class October 15 and 29)

3rd floor Gym, Athletics Complex

Torch fat, sculpt lean muscle and crush calories with this high-intensity workout that mixes dance-based cardio with strength training. Fresh pulse-pounding music and body-blasting moves bring the intensity to transform your body, boost your mood and ignite your energy. 

Instructors train every year to master the Jazzercise method, which fuses cardio, resistance training, Pilates, yoga, kickboxing and, of course, the demanding forms of dance. Expect to feel results after 3 classes, and expect to keep going. No two classes are the same, so you get the variety you need to stay motivated and break through plateaus. The average person sticks with Jazzercise for 7 years. Why? Because it works.

About the instructor

Amy Collier is the Associate Provost for Digital Learning at Middlebury and a certified Jazzercise instructor. For more than three years, Amy has taught fun and effective Jazzercise classes for people of all ages and fitness levels. 

What will you need to join?

Dance Mixx classes will be offered every Tuesday & Thursday, 4:30 – 5:30pm, in the 3rd floor gym of the Athletics Complex. Each class costs $5. Participants will pay Amy directly at the time of the class. Drop-ins are welcome.  

This class is for faculty and staff at Middlebury. Funding from The Wellness Committee makes it possible to offer these classes at a reduced rate.  Click here to learn more about the Wellness Committee and the programs it sponsors.

You will wear comfortable workout wear and sneakers/tennis shoes. Please bring a mat and weights to class (3-lb., 5-lb., & 8lb. are most commonly used). If you don’t have weights, come anyway, and use your body weight as resistance. Also bring water and a towel because you will sweat!

Ready to join? Sign up here!