we almost have a chicken coop!!!

we almost have a chicken coop!!!

come on down to the farm TODAY, 1 pm onwards, to finish up the coop, prep beds, and have so much fun playing in the …


NOFA: an open source conversation

NOFA: an open source conversation

I wanted to be friends with each of the farmers, food system supporters, and eaters at the NOFA conference, and to hear the perspectives and …


If only we’d listened in 1917

If only we’d listened in 1917


meeting minutes 3/14

meeting minutes 3/14

Thanks for another great meeting, all! We broke into two subgroups: planting and chickens/events. PLANTING talked about seed trials (Jay will trial seeds from Renee’s …


First meeting!

First meeting!

We had our first meeting on Thursday, and it was great! Thanks to everyone for coming out.  We started off with an introduction to the farm, …


NOFA reflections

NOFA reflections

thanks to CARLY WESTLING for sharing thoughts!!  I went in to the NOFA conference trying to psych myself up for it. After freshman year it had …


GMOs and the right to know

GMOs and the right to know

We went to the Right to Know GMO forum last week, and learned all about the current GMO labeling bill that’s currently heading through the …


NOFA Reflections

NOFA Reflections

  thanks to our guest writer, MOLLY ROSE-WILLIAMS, for sharing these thoughts! Last Saturday I spent the day immersed in farming workshops, lectures, and discussions, at the …


A Movement with Substance

A Movement with Substance

By: Kim Kneeland – 2/20/13 This weekend, I found myself in Burlington, Vermont surrounded by some of the most passionate, knowledgeable, and hardily-dressed people I have …


Farmer panel!

Farmer panel!

We held a great panel last week, featuring 6 Vermont farmers: Corie Pierce from Bread and Butter Farm, Gabriel Hamilton of Four Family Farm, Gabe …