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• M. E. Durst, S. Yurak, J. Moscatelli, I. Linhares, and R. Vargas, “Remote focusing in a temporal focusing microscope,” OSA Continuum vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 2757-2770, 2021.
• M. E. Durst, A. Turcios, C. Laurence, and E. Moskovitz, “Dispersion compensation by a liquid lens (DisCoBALL),” Applied Optics, Vol. 58, Iss. 2, pp. 428-435, 2019.
• M. E. Durst and J. van Howe. “All-fiber, wavelength and repetition-rate tunable, ultrafast pulse generation in the 2.0 μm region without mode-locking,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 31, Iss. 23, pp. 3714-3718, 2013.
• A. A. Straub, M. E. Durst, and C. Xu. “High speed multiphoton axial scanning through an optical fiber in a remotely scanned temporal focusing setup,” Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 2, Iss. 1, pp. 80-88, 2011.
• D. Kobat, M. E. Durst, N. Nishimura, A. Wong, C. B. Schaffer, and C. Xu. “Deep tissue multiphoton microscopy using longer wavelength excitation,” Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 16, pp. 13354-13364, 2009.
• M. E. Durst, A. A. Straub, and C. Xu. “Enhanced axial confinement of sum frequency generation in a temporal focusing setup,” Optics Letters, Vol. 34, Iss. 12, pp. 1786-1788, 2009.
• M. E. Durst, D. Kobat, and C. Xu. “Tunable dispersion compensation by a rotating cylindrical lens,” Optics Letters, Vol. 34, Iss. 8, pp. 1195-1197, 2009.
• M. E. Durst, G. Zhu and C. Xu. “Simultaneous spatial and temporal focusing for axial scanning,” Optics Express, Vol. 14, No. 25, pp. 12243-12254, 2006.
• G. Zhu, J. van Howe, M. E. Durst, W. Zipfel, and C. Xu. “Simultaneous spatial and temporal focusing of femtosecond pulses,” Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 2153-2159, 2005.
• A. R. Leeds, E. R. Van Keuren, M. E. Durst, T.W. Schneider, J.F. Currie, and M. Paranjape. “Integration of microfluidic and microoptical elements using a single-mask photolithographic step,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 115, Iss. 2-3, pp. 571-580, 2004.
• E. Van Keuren, E. Georgieva, and M. E. Durst, “Kinetics of the Growth of Anthracene Nanoparticles,” Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 721-729, 2003.
• L. Lessing, M. Dafaalla, and M. E. Durst. “Two-Photon Imaging of Near-Infrared Fluorescence using Temporal Focusing,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper SM3G-25, 2024.
• J. Ashbrook, H. Traw, and M. E. Durst. “Two-Photon Fluorescence Spectra of Long Wavelength Dyes,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper SM3G-23, 2023.
• L. Tonini, M. Zhong, and M. E. Durst. “Multiphoton Detection of Long Wavelength Laser Pulses,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper SM36-33, 2022.
• I. Linhares and M. E. Durst. “Toward two-photon absorption spectra of long-wavelength dyes used in fluorescence-guided surgery,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM7A-1, 2021.
• R. Vargas and M. E. Durst. “Supercontinuum Generation with tunable dispersion,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM6F-5, 2021.
• S. Yurak and M. E. Durst. “Re-focusing detection in a temporal focusing microscope,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM5H-2, 2021.
• M. E. Durst. “Undergraduate seminar course on physicists from underrepresented groups.” Sixteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2021, W4A.2, 2021.
• M. E. Durst. “First-Year Seminar Course on the People of Medical Imaging.” Sixteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2021, W4A.6, 2021.
• S. Hom, K. Nishimori, and M. E. Durst. “Remote axial scanning and light-field refocusing in a temporal focusing microscope,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM6G-1, 2020.
• R. Vargas and M. E. Durst. “Toward two-photon excitation with supercontinuum generation,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM4H-3, 2020.
• M. E. Durst. “Undergraduate course on biomedical imaging at a liberal arts college.” Proc. SPIE 11143, Fifteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2019, 111430R, 2019.
• M. E. Durst and A. Turcios. “Temporal Focusing with Remote Axial Scanning via Dispersion with an Electrically Tunable Lens,” Conference on Novel Techniques in Microscopy (Optical Society of America), paper NW1C.5, 2019.
• E. Moskovitz and M. E. Durst. “Optimization of a two-photon laser scanning microscope,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LS1A-13, 2017.
• A. Turcios and M. E. Durst. “3D Imaging with a temporal focusing microscope,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LS1A-23, 2017.
• M. E. Durst, C. Laurence, A. Turcios, and E. Moskovitz. “3D Multiphoton Fluorescence Imaging with Temporal Focusing Microscopy,” Northeast Regional IDeA Conference, poster 9, 2017.
• K. McNeill and M. E. Durst. “Temporal Focusing with Optical Fiber Delivery,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LTu2J-12, 2016.
• E. Miller and M. E. Durst. “Constructing a Wavelength-Tunable, Two Photon Microscope to Image Green Fluorescent Protein,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LTu2J-11, 2016.
• C. Laurence and M. E. Durst. “Characterization of Ultrashort Laser Pulses,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM2J-17, 2015.
• J. Epstein and M. E. Durst. “Construction of a Custom Two-Photon Microscope,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM2J-18, 2015.
• M. J. Côté, K. Regan, O. Afuye, and M. E. Durst. “Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Harmonic Generation in Gold Nanorods,” Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, paper L9.68, 2013.
• O. Afuye and M. E. Durst. “Optical Harmonic Generation in Gold Nanorods,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM2A-6, 2013.
• S. Ansari and M. E. Durst. “Multiphoton Fluorescence with Simultaneous Spatial and Temporal Focusing,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM2A-10, 2013.
• E. Curry and M. E. Durst. “Long-Wavelength Multiphoton Microscopy.” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM2A-13, 2013.
• K. Kenlock and M. E. Durst. “Photothermal Imaging: Detecting Nanoparticles with Absorption,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM2A-3, 2013.
• A. Shi and M. E. Durst. “Optical Tweezers: From Microspheres to Atoms,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research at the annual meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society, paper LM2A-4, 2013.
• M. E. Durst and J. Mertz. “Multiphoton photothermal imaging in scattering samples,” Conference on Novel Techniques in Microscopy (Optical Society of America), paper NMD6, 2011.
• J. H. Lee, M. E. Durst, D. Kobat, L. Gruner-Nielson, and C. Xu. “Focusing of the LP02 Mode from a Higher Order Mode Fiber,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America), paper JWA103, 2011.
• A. A. Straub, M. E. Durst, and C. Xu. “High speed axial scanning in a temporal focusing setup with piezo bimorph mirror dispersion compensation,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America), paper CThT5, 2010.
• D. Kobat, M. E. Durst, N. Nishimura, A. W. Wong, C. B. Schaffer, and C. Xu. “In vivo deep tissue imaging with long wavelength multiphoton excitation”, Conference on Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences X (SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering), paper 75692R, 2010.
• M. E. Durst and C. Xu. “Kilohertz tunable dispersion compensation with a bimorph piezo deformable mirror,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America), paper CMLL6, 2009.
• A. A. Straub, M. E. Durst, and C. Xu. “Enhanced axial confinement of sum frequency generation in a temporal focusing setup,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America), paper CWE2, 2009.
• M. E. Durst and C. Xu. “Tunable dispersion compensation by a rotating cylindrical lens,” Frontiers in Optics (Optical Society of America), paper FThU4, 2008.
• M. E. Durst, G. Zhu, and C. Xu. “Effects of refractive-index mismatch and scattering on simultaneous spatial and temporal focusing,” Frontiers in Optics (Optical Society of America), paper FTuU2, 2007.
• M. E. Durst, G. Zhu, and C. Xu. “Simultaneous spatial and temporal focusing for remote axial scanning in wide-field imaging,” 19th Annual meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, pp. 235-236, 2006.
• G. Zhu, J. van Howe, M. E. Durst, W. Zipfel, and C. Xu. “Simultaneous spatial and temporal focusing of femtosecond pulses,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America), paper CWP1, 2005.
• M. E. Durst. “Two-Photon Temporal Focusing Microscopy,” Summer Optics Seminar Series, Center for Imaging Medicine, Dartmouth College, 2019.
• M. E. Durst. “In-class microscopy labs for a biomedical imaging course.” New England Regional Meeting of the Advanced Laboratory Physics Association (ALPhA), Workshop C, 2019.
• M. E. Durst. “Two-Photon Temporal Focusing Microscopy,” Department of Pharmacology Seminar, University of Vermont, 2019.
• M. E. Durst. “The Physics of Peering into our Brains and Hearts,” Science Pub, Brandon Inn, 2018.
• M. E. Durst. “Biomedical Optics: Laser-Based Imaging,” Fall Faculty Forum, Middlebury College, 2017.
• M. E. Durst. “Stories from the Classroom – Innovative Teaching Enhanced by Technology,” Science of Learning in Action, Center for Teaching, Learning & Research, Middlebury College, 2015.
• M. E. Durst. “Super-Resolution Microscopy: The Physics of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry- Explained!,” Department of Physics Seminar, Middlebury College, 2014.
• M. E. Durst. “Biomedical Optics: Using Light to Look Through Tissue,” Department of Physics Seminar, Middlebury College, 2014.
• M. E. Durst. “Biomedical Optics: Using Light to Look Through Tissue,” Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Geology Seminar, Berry College, 2013.
• M. E. Durst. “Biomedical Optics: Using Light to Look Through Tissue,” Physics Program Seminar, Bard College, 2013.
• M. E. Durst. “Biomedical Optics: Using Light to Look Through Tissue,” Physics Department Seminar, Mount Holyoke College, 2013.
• M. E. Durst. “Biomedical Optics: Using Light to Look Through Tissue,” Department of Physics and Astronomy Seminar, Bates College, 2013.
• M. E. Durst. “Noninvasive Biomedical Imaging Using Nonlinear Optical Microscopy,” Physics Department Seminar, Amherst College, 2012.
• M. E. Durst. “Noninvasive Biomedical Imaging Using Nonlinear Optical Microscopy,” Physics Department Seminar, American University, 2011.
• M. E. Durst and C. Xu. “Technology developments for deep tissue multiphoton imaging,” The 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (The IEEE Photonics Society), paper WK3, 2009.