- “Epistemic Injustice and Responsible Trust in Science.” FEMMSS5 (Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies) Conference. August 2014, University of Waterloo.
- “The Trustworthiness of Scientific Institutions: The Implications of Situated Knowing.” SPSP (Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice) June 2013, University of Toronto, Canada
- “Epistemologies of Ignorance, Standpoint Theory, and Climate Change Science.” Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) October 2012, Copenhagen Denmark.
- “Climbing Out of the Box: Feminist Epistemology as Social Epistemology.” Nordic Network for Women in Philosophy September 2012, Reykjavik Iceland.
- “Epistemologies of Ignorance, Standpoint Theory, and Climate Change Scienc.e” FEMMSS4 (Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics and Science Studies) Conference (plenary speaker). May 2012, Pennsylvania State University.
- “The Cross-boundary Issues of Feminist Philosophy of Science: Community Relations as an Epistemic Issue.” IAPh (International Association of Women Philosophers) Conference June 2010, University of Western Ontario.
- “Feminist Philosophy of Science and Community Relations.” FEMMSS3 (Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics and Science Studies) Conference March 2009, University of South Carolina.