Category Archives: Storytelling

Screening: Transforming the Academy in the Digital Era

This year, the theme of Middlebury’s Clifford Symposium is “Transforming the Academy in the Digital Era”. We are living in an era featuring massive transformations in information and communication technology that alter generations of traditional practices in a wide range of fields, careers, and elements of everyday life. This symposium will focus on how such technological transformations, and their corresponding cultural, political, economic, and social shifts, are changing the world of higher education and scholarly research.

Join us in the DLC D Space for a live-stream screening of John Palfrey’s keynote speech!

You can also watch the below speakers live at the following times here:

    • Tara McPherson, September 19, 10:00 AM
    • Siva Vaidhyanathan, September 19, 1:30 PM


There are stories being told all over the Monterey Institute Campus. They take the form of video, audio, pictures, slideshows, spoken word, drawings, multi-media presentations, and more. They are about personal experiences, academic opportunities, language learning, campus-related activities, immersive learning projects, and countless other topics.

The following list is the initial gathering of all of these stories, as we try to create a common place to collect and tell them all. If you have a storytelling initiative to contribute to the list, or are looking for help with your storytelling endeavor, please email, with the subject line “Storytelling.”

MIIS Students’ Language Stories

natalie-cox Coordinator: Naoko Matsuo

About: The main purpose of this blog is to feature students’ diverse backgrounds and experiences, cast a spotlight on the language skills they acquire, and understand how they plan to use those skills in their future job.

Build Your International Career (Resources)

summer-nicaragua Coordinator: Rebecca Owen

About: This is a collection of student stories and resources that work together to show you how to build an international career through your undergrad, by living and studying abroad, and then while you’re earning a master’s degree.

A Day in the Life


Coordinator: Maria Osorio

About: Students at the Monterey Institute shed some light on what they do on any given day while they’re going to grad school. These stories take a variety of forms such as poems, timelines, and long form. Some are general overviews of a typical day and others are a very specific day in time. All are true representations of “A Day in the Life” of a grad student.

The MIIS Experience in 60 Seconds

miis_spotlight-kh Coordinator: Evelyn Helminen

About: This series features a different student each week from a range of degree programs offered at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. In these short videos, the students elaborate on topics such as why they chose to come to MIIS, what has surprised them about the Monterey Institute, what kinds of cool things they’ve been involved in—both on and off campus, and more.

MIIS Radio


Coordinator: George Payne

About: MIIS Radio is an open platform for the Monterey Institute community to share stories, events and experiences. This online forum features segments including Pro Bytes, Real World Music, Africa Chatter, and MIIStales. Segments are posted in short, fun formats for all to enjoy. Participation is encouraged from any interested community members.

Peacebuilder Fellowship Storytelling


Coordinator: Pushpa Iyer

About: The goal of the Peacebuilders Fellowship is to give a voice to the voiceless. Fellows spend around two months in the field and collect stories of people who have experienced conflict. The hope is that the individual stories will give face to a “distant” conflict, providing empirical knowledge which in turn will empower people to act. Peacebuilder Fellows are therefore, storytellers for peace.

Globe Center Blogs


Coordinator: Max Troyer

About: Students in the Translation and Localization Management program keep blogs in their various languages of study. The individual blogs are listed below.


MIIS Communications and MIIS Communique


Coordinator: Eva Guðbergsdóttir

About: These are news stories coming from the Monterey Institute Communications Department. They cover current students, faculty, and staff, as well as alumni and events in the MIIS community.

Storytelling Nights on Campus


Coordinator: Various

About: These events are arranged on an ad-hoc basis to showcase experiences that members of the MIIS community have had. Storytelling nights have been arranged to talk about trips over spring break and J-Term, stories from Peace Corps, and have also included some Open Mic events.



Coordinator: Molly Lineberger

About: This is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a no-pressure atmosphere. Members give impromptu and prepared talks on assigned topics, conduct meetings and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure. Then they evaluate one another’s presentations. This feedback process is a key part of the program’s success.

Language Learner Histories


Coordinator: Netta Avineri

About: TESOL/TFL students conducted 2 semi-structured audio-recorded interviews with a second language learner about his/her language learning history. The 1st interview was based on 10 questions provided by the professor, after which the students listened to the recording and created a “VIVID” (Visual & Verbal Interdependent) representation of what they heard. During the second interview, they shared and explained this “VIVID” representation with the learner, asking him/her to clarify and expand upon what was shared during the first interview. The students then analyzed the data according to particular themes and issues that emerged, providing a detailed analysis in light of SLA concepts and teaching/learning issues. Future courses will build on this framework to create a collection of language learner histories in a variety of digital storytelling formats. (This was part of Visiting Professor of Applied Linguistics Netta Avineri’s Spring 2014 Second Language Acquisition (SLA) course. The photo above is one example of the VIVID representations students created for the assignment.)

Voices of the Class

Coordinator: Maggie Peters

About: Each year in the fall, incoming students are asked to answer four simple prompts, which are then compiled and integrated into a skit during orientation. The goal is simple: to hear from as many of the incoming class as possible. Responses to the prompts can be any shape or size—a story, a poem, a rap. The prompts are: 1.) I am. . . 2.) What keeps you up at night? 3.) Where are you from and how has it impacted who you are today? 4.) Tell us something about yourself that people would never guess just by looking at you.

Spring Break 2013: Forum and Mixer

Slide1When: Thursday, April 25 7:00 – 8:30PM

Where: Design Space at the Digital Learning Commons 

Ever wonder what life is like in Cuba? Are you interested in working for the United Nations? Want to know more about the MIIS alumni network in D.C.? Curious about the future of cross-strait relations between China & Taiwan?

Join us for the Spring Break 2013: Forum and Networking Mixer, on Thursday, April 25.  Representatives from the Cuba, Washington D.C., New York UN and China / Taiwan group Spring Break trips will participate in a lively panel discussion, followed by a networking reception with wine and hors d’oeuvres. Stop by the Digital Learning Commons at 420 Calle Principal to learn about the exciting Spring Break adventures of your classmates and enjoy some refreshments!

**This event is hosted by the (Hu)SAND group in collaboration with MIISTales.

DLC Workshop: “Voice, Audio, & Story.” A MIIS Radio Live Broadcast with Barbara Ganley and Friends

MIIS Radio Logo

WHEN: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 1:30 – 4:00pm (open to all MIIS community – no tech required!)

WHERE: Digital Learning Commons Design Space (MG 001 @ 420 Calle Principal)

Barbara Ganley

WHAT: With an emphasis on understanding the deep complexity of the human voice and the soundscapes we live in, this hands-on workshop will explore what happens when we turn off the visual and turn up our attention to the voices and sounds around us.  The session is being offered in collaboration with Barbara Ganley, a former Middlebury writing professor, and DLC expert-in-residence on community development and digital storytelling.

Sarah Kramer

Andrea Olsen

Alan Levine

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to join the Digital Learning Commons team for our first ever live MIIS Radio broadcast.  Hear from an esteemed panel of experts including: Sarah Kramer, Emmy and Peabody award winning multimedia journalist from the New York Times and StoryCorps;

Barbara Sawhill

Andrea Olsen, Professor of Dance and the John C. Elder Professor of Environmental Studies at Middlebury College; Alan Levine, Open Education renegade and instructor of the DS106 “MOOC”, and Barbara Sawhill, Oberlin College Spanish language teacher extraordinaire.

Join our live audience to participate in the conversation about the possibilities of human connection through digital audio, the neuroscience of storytelling, and innovative digital storytelling initiatives.

Participants will also learn about MIIS Radio, Blogs @ MIIS, Midd Media, and MiddLab@MIIS as platforms for documenting academic research and field experiences for academic and professional purposes.   Tools and practical implications for how digital audio can be used in field research, storytelling and documentary will also be discussed.

MIIS (Summer) Tales: Around the World in a Night Photo Show Winners!

Last week’s Around the World in a Night Photo Show was a great success, with 50 MIIS community members in attendance. The photo exhibit, which took place on the bottom floor of the new Digital Learning Commons Sp@ce, showcased more than 300 student pictures from their summer adventures around the world. The top twenty photos were displayed in a gallery style setting and the remaining were displayed through an interactive slide show. The H2Nica team also featured a 2 minute teaser of their upcoming documentary on water insecurity in Nicaragua  they worked on over the summer.
The Digital Learning Commons hopes to use their new space for more community storytelling and design thinking events in the upcoming year.

The exhibit will remain up for the next two weeks.  Stop by to check out DLC’s new space and marvel over photos from students’ summer adventures!

Congratulations to Nick Chudeau, Sabina Kahn and Benedicte Gyllensten (Team Peru) for winning Best of Show by audience vote!

MIIS (Summer Tales): Around the World in a Night Photo Show

MIIS (Summer) Tales is throwing an Around the World in a Night Photo Show, hosted in The Commons, on September 27th 5-7pm, and we want your pictures! Whether you were in the United States or abroad, or whether you’re a new or returning student, send us snapshots of your summer! The best pics will be featured in the Photo Show, and attendees can vote to award prizes.*

Submit Your Photo(s) Today!

If you want to participate in the MIIS (Summer) Tales Around the World in a Night Photo Show, fill out our registration form and email your photo with the subject line MIIS Summer Tales to by Wednesday, September 19th. You can submit up to 20 photos, by email or in person at The Commons. If you have songs from the region to submit for our Photo Show song playlist, or produced any videos or other multimedia, please send those as well.

* Finalist photos will be voted on by Photo Show attendees. The top five photos will win iTunes gift certificates.