Jasmine – Brooklyn, New York – (718)

Daylight Savings Time tripped us up! Thanks to my guest, Jasmine ’16, who woke me up at 6:18am 7:18am so that we could put on Districts. In a slightly hazy and tired mood, we explored the music of Brooklyn, New York.

(Unfortunately, my other guest also forgot to turn the clock forward and couldn’t make it to this week’s show. Tune in next week to find out who it is!)

Scroll below for music and chatter from this morning.

Jasmine ’16

“New York, New York” – Frank Sinatra

(Sorry, no official music video, because they didn’t exist back then.)

  • Richard, Jasmine’s father, grew up in The Mission of San Francisco, went to Stanford, got degrees in law and business from Cornell, and then settled into a law career in New York.
  • Jasmine had mommy and daddy class as a toddler, AKA music time.

“Deja Vu (Uptown Baby)” – Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz


“Hypnotize” – The Notorious B. I. G.

“Empire State of Mind” – Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys


  • There’s a mural near Jasmine’s condo that says, “Comandante Biggie!”

Tune in next week, when we’ll again have a guest from New York and perhaps return to the West (Best) Coast.

Until Sunday.