feb 20

Java wearing his Fitbit tracking device, showing that he has taken 7,971 steps today. No wonder he's tired!
fitbit cat!

more self! more control! think about this (among other things): what is the relationship between this quantified self and the selfie self? is this also a performance? is it more real? (how) do they relate?

  • deborah lupton (from last week’s digital sociology book, but this is the field where she is the true leader in study), the quantified self (2018)
    • chapter 1 (this is a history/overview of the tech. you can skip this is you like, but it’s here as a reference in case you want/need/desire it)
    • chapter 2 (chapter 2 is theory, and it is a slightly more in-depth take on things than we say in her book last week, so there’s no reason to revisit this in a new reading — so if you want a refresher, go back to that text, and i won’t even pretend there’s a chance you will read this additional stuff, so i won’t include it.)
    • chapter 3
    • chapter 5

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