Monthly Archives: February 2024

Tick population model R package and publication

I am excited to share an R package and accompanying publication by Myles Stokowski and me. Myles is a recent Middlebury College graduate. The package, IxPopDyMod, allows users to write, run, and analyze tick population and infection dynamics models. We wrote the package to make it easier for tick researchers, who might be novice R users, to have a convenient framework to write tick population dynamics models. The model is completely described in a relatively simple R file which can then be shared. This makes it easier for other researchers to re-run the model or make modifications to it. The package is described in our recent Parasites & Vectors paper. The appendix of that paper gives three extended examples of package use, with R code. It is up on CRAN, so easy to download to R. Finally it has a github page where users can find other examples or post any issues they find with the package. If you have any questions about using the package feel free to reach out to me!