Cynthia Yeh's CBE summer 2012 internship experience

Softserve Experience

By Patrick Smith, Hawaii

 This breath-taking picture is worth citing. I wish I had the opportunity to take that picture.


The one above is more of the water falling than whirling, so a better picture of my subject:

Maelstroms are GIANT versions of little whirlpools. Maelstroms happen in the ocean and they’ve been mentioned in such great stories such as Homer’s Odyssey or Disney’s Pirates of the Carribean. Their whirlpools would suck in whole ships and bash them to bits against the ocean floor.

Whirlpools may almost reach the scale of maelstroms during a tsunamis because of the change and force of water displacement. In reality, maelstroms don’t really occur to the scale of our human imagination. These “ocean swirl” can most often be defined as a vortex. They dp sometimes catch boats because of their strong currents so they are dangerous.

There are a few famous ones, and I found a video of Saltstraumen in Norway (it’s so famous it has a name).


This is the last story of the summer. The people I’ve met, the information I’ve learned, and the things I’ve seen fluttered around me in little bits and pieces. This experience did not overwhelm me, nor did I glide over it. How I’ve seen these 8 past weeks: those bits are not part of me and I going back to MIIS a stronger, smarter, better prepared professional for my 2nd year.

Hiking trip with the SF, Oceans team to Point Reyes. This piece of land once started near Los Angeles and has been traveling up the coast since…a long time ago.

I love how sustainable everyone’s meal is. We brought stuff back to the office to compost, people brought food in jars, and people prepared impressive foods I’ve never even heard of!

We had our own National Parks Ranger show us around.


Point Reyes has endangered Elk and once it had a bovine creamery.


Everyday I see you computer.


The ferry building is the “go to” place to meet people for lunch.


My desire to taste-the-city lead me to take a Vogue class here. I learned how to strut my stuff on my tippy toes, how to frame my face with my hands, how to drag my body elegantly (not very elegantly) across the floor, and that hour was more than enough to fulfill that impulse.

Too late I discovered Philz’ Mojito latte. Sooooo good.


Which reminds me to provide closure: No seaweed tea time ever happened (I’m not holding back). Too much to do, not enough time here. Yes…that’s a terrible picture, but I only have this one picture. Usually there’s no clutter on the table and there are other people.















An excellent way to end the summer. Interns, consultants, EDF staff, writers, scientists, vegans, carnivores, we all had a wonderful time at Tataki South’s Sustainable Sushi on Church St. August 8th, 2012. A must try: Artic Char.

What more can a grad student want from their summer internship.

Posted by on August 9, 2012 at 11:11 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0)

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