Welcome to the resource site of the Middlebury College Choir!

Welcome to the resource site of the Middlebury College Choir!
Great work everyone! Let’s not go faster.
I am holding our Monday 2/17 rehearsal in the MAC Concert Hall, so we can easily rehearse with instrumentalists. Enter back stage (around to the right of the hall near MAC 221).
AND after rehearsal you are all invited by me to Choir Dinner WITH me, in Proctor!
Please allow an extra 5-7 minutes to get to the Concert Hall! I plan for us to let out a few minutes early in order to get up to Proctor in timely fashion but I can’t do that if we start late.
We SING together today 4:30 in the Chapel. I have a pile of new music for us to read, and it will be thrilling to make CHOIR sound after all of these weeks. See you soon! See the “Resources” page for musical ideas about the repertoire this spring.
This brief arrangement and pandemic-era recording features alums Chris Hauptfeld ‘20.5, tenor, and Wendy Taylor ’21, soprano, who join us again for Lessons and Carols 2024:
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
Nice work! We can still move the tempo a bit without risk of hurrying.
Stoyit yavir zelenenkyy
In the bleak midwinter vs 2-4 – go seniors!
El Niño Perdido – verse 2
A new work is come on hand
Also note:
There was an issue with the recorder, so despite processing efforts the sound is monophonic and clips in places, but those are relatively minor for our purposes here!
Rehearsal 11-04-24
music for the Dia is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eXYM0h9Cax9_duZdIit6Hb5Q_XK9iyxc?usp=sharing
7:30-8:30 PM chapel, Saturday 11/2 – friends welcome!