Week 10 Day 2 Discussion Question 3

In “Star Wars, Star Wars, and American Political Culture,” David S. Meyer discusses the significance of technology in the original Star Wars trilogy (pp. 105-108).  In your response, discuss at least one example of how technology is depicted in the 1977 Star Wars film.  

One thought on “Week 10 Day 2 Discussion Question 3

  1. David Rubenstein

    One of Meyer’s central points is that Star Wars suggests that technology is untrustworthy and will ultimately lead to ones demise. This critique is no more prevalent in the final moments of the battle to destroy the Death Star. As Luke approaches the ventilation shaft in his fighter, Obi Wan instructs him to turn off his targeting computer and use his feelings to guide his shot. This approach is ultimately successful unlike the previous attempt by another pilots who used his targeting computer. The ineffectiveness of the targeting computer supports the critique raised by Meyers because it shows that technology is untrustworthy and unreliable. Furthermore, if Luke would have used the targeting computer to guide his final shot he may have missed and the rebellion would have been destroyed. The destruction of the Death Star also appears to support Meyer’s thesis because. Ironically Grand Moth Tarkin, who touted the Death Star as a weapon that would solidify the Empire’s reign is killed by the very weapon that he put his faith in. Thus the destruction of the Death Star and the death of Grand Moth Tarkin and other generals serves to remind audiences that technology is untrustworthy and will ultimately lead to ones demise.

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