Week 9 Day 2 Discussion Question 1

Discuss Ronald Reagan’s campaign commercial, “Peace” (1980).  How does this commercial compare to the Johnson (1964) and Nixon (1968) commercials that we screened for Monday’s class?  How does Reagan’s “Peace” commercial address Cold War themes?

One thought on “Week 9 Day 2 Discussion Question 1

  1. Treasure Brooks

    Reagan’s commercial “Peace” was much more poignant than the 1960’s campaign ads we viewed for Monday’s class. Unlike Nixon and Johnson, Regan’s message was not predatory in the sense that it did not seek to exploit the viewers’ fears. By mentioning the pervasiveness of war throughout his lifetime Rgan was able to remind Americans the castastophy that war brings about without making gloom the central tone of the advertisement. Instead, by displaying cheerful children of varying races the message appeared hopeful, inclusive, and unifying for all Americans who also sought resolution after decades of living fearful and untrusting of our global neighbors. Regan’s commercial addresses the Cold War theme of America as a strong mediator . By invoking language such as “negotiate” and “compromise” America maintains its image as the sensible nation in a radical attack on democracy. Nevertheless, Regan must ensure for the sake of Americans and for foreign perception that sensibility does not equate wekeness, explainign his careful distinction between becing commuicative and “surrending.” Overall one can see how the use of music, the tone of voice, and the producer’s motive in creating an advertisment can drastically affect the larger emotions that the very same images (children) can evoke.

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