Category Archives: Early Engagement

After Sandy: How the Middlebury College Community Can Help

While Hurricane Sandy storm damage in Vermont was minimal, there are ways for the Middlebury College community to help with relief efforts in the states affected by the storm. The Vermont Community Foundation developed a webpage here to share resources and information about helping out with Hurricane Sandy relief efforts and will continue to update the page as volunteer needs emerge. Red Cross continues to be a leader in immediate disaster response; you can donate funds to the Red Cross and learn more about their efforts here.

Apply for the October Break Alternative Break Trip to Merk Forest and Farmland Center

Middlebury Alternative Break (MAlt) Service Trip for October Break 2012!
Merck Forest & Farmland Center

Applications due Sept. 28
Join us for the fifth annual October MAlt break trip to breathtakingly beautiful Merck Forest & Farmland Center in southern Vermont at the height of the foliage season led by Tshering Yudon ‘13 and Teddy Pendergast ‘13. Merck Forest’s mission is to teach and demonstrate the benefits of innovative, sustainable management of forest and farmland. Our work will likely include trail maintenance in the forest and helping with the harvest. We will be camping (sleeping in a cabin) and cooking together as a group in fall temperatures ranging from 40-60 degrees during the day and 30-50 degrees at night. It’s about a two-mile hike into the site.

We’ll depart Saturday ~12pm, Oct. 13, (leaving after the Dalai Lama talk is over) and return late afternoon on Monday, Oct. 15. Camping gear can be provided!

Issue: Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture
Cost per person: $30 (financial aid is available if necessary)
Questions? Contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, EIA
Application Deadline: Friday, September 28th to Teddy Pendergast via email at
See attached application: Merck participant application 2012

Welcome First-Years!

July 2012

Hello, and welcome to Middlebury! I hope that you’re excited for all the adventures that you’re about to begin here! My name is Ali Lewis, and I’m a junior from Colorado. In my two years here so far, the Center for Education in Action (EIA) has been a huge part of my Middlebury experience. Through my involvement with various volunteer service organizations and internships, I’ve been able to form connections with fellow students and community members here in Addison County and across the world. So while you’re out enjoying summer, I wanted to drop you a quick note about the work we do. (You can also check us out at

Your experience at Middlebury can expand way beyond the classroom; Civic Engagement staff are here to support you if you want to mentor youth in town, work in environmental preservation in Ecuador, teach English to migrant farm workers, or even design and fund your own civic engagement project here or abroad. EIA’s mission is “empowering students to apply their liberal arts education and engage in the world through their professional pursuits, active citizenship, and life’s work.” Basically, Civic Engagement advises volunteer organizations and independent service projects, supports community-connected coursework and research, and works to prepare you for life after college.

With fellow students on MAlt D.R.

I’ve been especially involved with Middlebury Alternative Break Trips (MAlt) through Civic Engagement, traveling with fellow students to El Paso, Texas during my first year to learn firsthand about the conflicts of immigration at the border, and this year leading twelve students to the Dominican Republic to participate in educational programs for children with a non-profit. I grew so much through those trips as a leader and an individual.  I hope that we’ll see many of you at the MAlt information session in early October, and maybe in the applicant pool for this year’s trips!

EIA Civic Engagement is a wonderful place to start planting your roots at Middlebury. By becoming engaged in service and activism on campus, you’ll meet amazing students, build relationships in the Vermont community or beyond, and make a difference related to causes you care about. Be sure to stop by the MiddAction Fair (Wednesday, September 19th, 6:00-7:30—you’ll get an email with more information when you arrive on campus) to learn about the wide range of opportunities for civic engagement, from local not-for-profits to national and international initiatives. We have tons of programs and resources to help you follow—or discover—your passions.

Also, feel free to write email me with any questions you might have or stop by our office anytime! We’re located in Adirondack House, which is in the circle drive by Ross Dining Hall.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing you around at Midd!

~Ali Lewis

At Casa Vides on MAlt El Paso

P.S. Here are some great opportunities to start exploring the Middlebury community during Orientation: Join MiddVote as they spray paint t-shirts to raise voter awareness at 1 pm on Wednesday, September 5th! They’ll have plenty of information for you to learn about voter registration in the fall. And on Saturday, September 8th at 1pm, travel with fellow first-years to a local orchard for apple picking (a Vermont tradition!). Afterwards, we’ll visit the Middlebury food shelf at HOPE (Helping to Overcome Poverty’s Effects) to donate our bushels and get a brief introduction to the work done there.