New: Online Classified Ads!

Over the months that MiddPoints changed from its printed version to its current online version, Staff Council and members of the administration heard repeatedly from staff members that the classified advertising was one of the most missed parts of the printed MiddPoints. In collaboration with Human Resources and Communications, Staff Council is pleased to announce…Continue Reading New: Online Classified Ads!

Deadline for United Way Raffle is January 28

The United Way of Addison County needs your help! This year’s campaign is behind its goals, at a time when the need in our community has never been greater. If you haven’t yet contributed this year, you can do so easily on line by going to To encourage participation, if you contribute by January…Continue Reading Deadline for United Way Raffle is January 28

January 19: New England Review’s Vermont Reading Series

Middlebury’s literary quarterly, New England Review, is pleased to present the next event in its quarterly Vermont Reading Series. Stephen Kiernan, Chloe Joan Lopez, Daniel Lusk, and Neil Shepard will read from their poetry and fiction, on Thursday, January 19, at 7 p.m., at Carol’s Hungry Mind Café, 24 Merchants Row, in downtown Middlebury. [Read…Continue Reading January 19: New England Review’s Vermont Reading Series

Important Benefits Reminders

Trouble-free employee benefit plan administration requires a strong partnership between employees and Human Resources. The Human Resources Department works diligently at the end of each year to process accurately the thousands of required or requested benefit record changes, and then we check and double-check our work. However, in the end, we also must rely on…Continue Reading Important Benefits Reminders