If you participated in a flexible spending account in 2017, please remember that any medical or dependent care FSA claims incurred through December 31, 2017 should be filed for reimbursement before March 31, 2018. While at this point in time you can no longer use your FSA debit card for 2017 claims, you may upload your claims by…Continue Reading REMINDER: CLOSING OUT YOUR 2017 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS

News from the Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry

Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry

Updates Are you curious about what the newly unified Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry (DLINQ) is up to? We provide our readers with a weekly blog series published on Tuesdays called This Week in DLINQ where the inquisitive mind can easily find updates on the projects, news, and developments from staff in our Middlelbury, Vermont…Continue Reading News from the Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry

Employing Middlebury Students this Summer

You may be thinking about employing a Middlebury College student to work in your department this summer. What a great opportunity for both you and the student! The student can learn important skills (or enhance those they already have) that they will use throughout their life – customer service, time management, conflict resolution, verbal and…Continue Reading Employing Middlebury Students this Summer

Important Tax Information

As you prepare to file your 2017 income taxes, you may be asked about a form called Form 1095-C. The Affordable Care Act requires employers to furnish Form 1095-C to current and past employees who were covered in the employer sponsored medical plan for all or any portion of the tax year. In December, 2017, the IRS extended…Continue Reading Important Tax Information

Beneficiary(ies) Update Reminder

Naming your beneficiary and keeping the information current is an important aspect of managing your retirement (TIAA) and/or life insurance (UNUM) accounts. A birth, marriage or divorce may have changed your thinking since you made your original choice. Or perhaps you never designated a beneficiary at all. Missing or outdated information can create significant costs…Continue Reading Beneficiary(ies) Update Reminder

Gratitude At Work: Lessons from Berkeley

Creating a culture of appreciation was the culminating session at a recent UC Berkeley ‘Greater Good Science Center‘ event on gratitude and well-being at work. An exploration of both the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of gratitude practices, the sessions took an increasingly practical focus as the day progressed: What is gratitude, and why practice it…Continue Reading Gratitude At Work: Lessons from Berkeley


Individuals who end employment after having worked for Middlebury in a benefits-eligible status for a minimum of ten years past the age of forty-five qualify as “Middlebury Retirees”.   Name Type Retirement Date Department David Stetson Staff 1/8/2018 Dining Edward Laurance Faculty 1/31/2018 GSIPM-DPP (MIIS) Emmie Donadio Staff 2/2/2018 Museum of Art Gloria Gottlieb Staff…Continue Reading RETIREMENT TRANSITIONS


Trouble-free employee benefit plan administration requires a strong partnership between employees and Human Resources. The Human Resources Department works diligently each year-end to accurately process the thousands of required or requested benefit record changes and then to check and double-check our work.  However, in the end, we also must rely on you, the employee, to…Continue Reading IMPORTANT BENEFIT REMINDERS

Retirement Transitions

Individuals who end employment after having worked for Middlebury in a benefits-eligible status for a minimum of ten years past the age of forty-five qualify as “Middlebury Retirees”.   Name Type Retirement Date Department Jacqueline Davies Staff 11/3/2017 Student Financial Services David Saward Faculty Emeritus 12/31/2017 Athletics Mary Reed Staff 1/3/2018 Events Management Bonnie Betourney Staff…Continue Reading Retirement Transitions