In this post we’ll introduce you to two new members of the Middlebury College staff who are working in Library and Information Services and International Student and Scholar Services. Please join us as we welcome Zach and Marian to campus!
Zach Schuetz was hired in October as a temporary Senior Technology Specialist. A 2011 graduate of Middlebury (Japanese + Linguistics), Zach will be helping out full-time at the LIS Helpdesk. He enjoys swing dancing, singing, and playing games of all kinds. He likes bad movies and good music, and dreams of sailing the high seas.
Marian Johnsen was hired as the Administrative Coordinator in International Student and Scholar Services in December. Prior to moving to Middlebury, she worked in human services and in public policy in various non-profit organizations. Marian enjoys hiking, camping, and canoeing, and spending time with her family.