Deadline: April 3rd

The Academic Outreach Endowment (AOE) was created by the generosity of a Middlebury alumna from the 1970s. This endowment, inspired by the very meaningful experience of the alumna’s thesis project, is used to provide support to faculty and students who wish to pursue community-connected projects and integrate “real world” issues within academic course work.

AOE grants are administered by Community Engagement and provide financial support to both faculty and students for pursuits that involve community-connected teaching, learning, and research. Examples of these kinds of approaches include project-based learning (when there is a direct community connection), community-based learning, participatory action research, service-learning, and more.

AOE grants help fund community-connected research, modify an existing course, or prepare a new course offering. The application is available to download at go/aoe.  If your idea meets the following criteria, then please consider applying for an Academic Outreach Endowment grant.

  • Involves collaboration with a community organization
  • Addresses one or more community-identified needs
  • Relates to a course that you will teach

AOE grants can be used to pay for the following examples of expenditures (you may think of other needs or ideas!):

  • the wages of a student T.A., to help oversee the logistics of a course-related community-connected project
  • associated travel costs for you, your students, the community partners, and/or other involved parties
  • refreshments or catering for a semester-end presentation of your students’ findings
  • materials or supplies needed to carry out the project
  • modest honorarium to be given to participating community partner(s) for time, collaboration, and expertise
  • publishing costs to print hard copies of report or project findings, etc.

If you have any questions regarding this RFP process, Contact Community Engagement Director Tiffany Sargent,