Middlebury College’s newly founded Brother-to-Brother Program invites all Addison County middle-school boys to our free kickoff event on May 3, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Middlebury College’s McCollough Social Space on Old Chapel Road. We are planning a day of FUN , games, a chance to interact with male college students and a time to reflect about the middle-school experience. This is the first of a series of events which will continue in the fall and explore what it means to be a young man in a group mentoring setting. For more information and to register, contact Karin Hanta by phone at 443-5937 or by email: khanta@middlebury.edu. Please help us spread the word and invite your middle-school son, grandson, nephew, friend to join us!
Brother-to-Brother Kickoff Event on May 3